本文從一個國小階段人權教育實務工作者的角度,檢視人權教育課程發展歷程與成果。作者分析十二年國教政策下人權議題之定位與目標,確認人權教 育課程促進學生問題解決能力之理念,與核心素養之目標具有一致性。作者根據課程發展經驗,提出所歸納之人權教育課程實踐模式,既有媒材導向主題教學模式、文本導向的閱讀教學模式、議題融入學科的微型教學模式與在地人權故事走讀教學等四大模式,搭配人權教育有效教學四大原則,可以符合素養導向教學之目標。作者根據教學經驗提出人權教育的挑戰與反思,並提出對人權 教育工作者的建議,最終期盼人權思維成為教師人格的一部份,在校園中落實人權教育。
This article reviews the development of a human rights education curriculum in elementary school by the author and its achievements. The author analyzes the value and goal of human rights issues in the 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum in Taiwan, and considers how human rights can formulate a problem-solving ability, which is consistent with the concept of core literacy in the new curricular standard. Based on my experience in implementing the curriculum, I propose four generalized instructional models: the media-oriented thematic teaching mode, the text-oriented reading instruction mode, the issues-integrated instruction mode, and the local story footprints inquiry mode. In addition, I introduce four principles of effective teaching to meet the goal of literacy-based pedagogy in human rights education. Based on practical results, I indicate the challenges of human rights education and make some suggestions for educators. Finally, I look forward to a future vision of schooling in which human rights thinking becomes part of a teacher’s personality and whereby each educator seeks to implement human rights education on campus.
Keywords: Putting a human rights education curriculum into practice, literacy-based pedagogy, issues-integrated instruction