卷, 第


  • 編者的話 / 林瓊珠(中正大學政治系副教授)
    Editor's preface / Chiung-chu Lin (Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, National Chung Cheng University, Chaiyi)
  • 台灣有遵守國際勞工組織核心公約之人權義務嗎?整全人權法詮釋取徑之芻議 / 楊雅雯(中央研究院法律學研究所助研究員)
    Does Taiwan Have Human Rights Obligations to Comply with the Core Conventions of the International Labour Organization? A Holistic Interpretive Approach / Ya-wen Yang(Assistant Research Professor, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica)
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  • 台商對中國工人的劣待加劇了中國反台灣民間情緒 / 李強(中國勞工觀察創始人和執行主任)
    The Intensification of Anti-Taiwan Sentiment in China Resulting from the Mistreatment of Chinese Workers by Taiwanese Businesses / Qiang Li(Founder and Executive Director of China Labor Watch)
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  • 從學校到西藏自由運動的跨界之旅 / 盧惠娟 (《西藏的天空》主編)
    From School to the Free Tibet Movement: A Boundary-Crossing Journey / Hui-chuan Lu(Editor in chief, The Sky Above Tibet)
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  • 台灣國家人權委員會運作三年的挑戰 / 蘇建和(財團法人民間司法改革基金會發展資源經理)
    Challenges of Taiwan’s National Human Rights Commission After Three Years of Operation / Chien-ho Su(Manager, Division of Resource Development, Judicial Reform Foundation)
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人權論壇 Human Rights Forum
  • 「國安體制」在香港——《 港區國安法》實施三年觀察記 2020-2023:觀察報告導讀 / 張一彬(淡江大學公共行政學系副教授)
    “The National Security Regime” in Hong Kong – A Three-Year Observational Report on the Implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law (2020-2023): Overview / Yi-bin Chang (Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Tamkang University)
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  • 不僅是法律而已:反思《「國安體制在香港」──《港區國安法》實施三年觀察記》 / 黎恩灝(美國喬治城大學亞洲法中心研究員)
    Not Just About the Law: Reflections on A Report on the National Security Regime in Hong Kong (2024) / Yan-ho Lai (Research Fellow at the Center for Asian Law, Georgetown University Law Center)
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  • 國安法與科技中立之爭—— 香港數位權利的未來挑戰 / 鄺頌晴(對中政策跨國議會聯盟 (IPAC)高級分析員、漢堡大學法律系博士候選人)
    National Security Law and Technology Neutrality: The Future Challenges of Digital Rights in Hong Kong / Chung-ching Kwong(Senior Analyst, Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC); PhD Candidate in Law, University of Hamburg)
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人權現場 Notes from the Field
  • 無愧「人權園區」之名,樂生療養院保存將走向何方?——連結國際經驗,台灣文化民主紮根的叩問 / 謝宗翰(台大法律研究所公法組三年級學生、國際愛地芽協會台灣分會(IDEA Taiwan)常務監事)
    Living up to the Name of “Human Rights Park”: The Future of Losheng Sanatorium’s Preservation- Connecting International Experience and the Question of Cultural Democratization / Tsung-han Hsieh(Graduate Student, Public Law Program, College of Law, National Taiwan University; Managing Supervisor, IDEA TAIWAN (International Association for Integration Dignity and Economic Advancement)
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  • 疾病烙印與困難遺產:雙溪毛糯麻風療養院保存運動的反思 / 傅向紅(馬來西亞理科大學社會科學院講師)
    The Stigma of Disease and Difficult Heritage: Reflections on the Preservation Movement of the Sungai Buloh Leprosy Settlement / Heong-hong Por(Lecturer, School of Social Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia)
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  • 不以我的名義:在新加坡反對死刑(英文稿) / 韓俐穎(運動者,變革正義公社)
    Not In My Name: Working against the Death Penalty in Singapore / Kirsten Han(Activist, Transformative Justice Collective)
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研究手札 Research Notes
書評 Books Review Essays
  • [影評] Total Lies under Total Trust:無法全面監視的良知與抵抗 / 施逸翔(台灣人權促進會資深研究員)
    [Film Review] Total Lies under Total Trust: Conscience and Resistance Beyond Total Surveillance / Yi-hsiang Shih (Senior Researcher, Taiwan Association for Human Rights)
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  • [書評] 我的身體不是我的:評芭芭拉·維克多的《玫瑰軍團——巴勒斯 坦女性自殺式襲擊者的世界》(英文稿) / 梁家恩(國立中正大學認知科學博士學位學程副教授)
    [Book Review] I Am Not My Own: A Review of Barbara Victor’s Army of Roses: Inside the World of Palestinian Women Suicide Bombers / Kar-yen Leong (Associate Professor, PhD program in Cognitive Science, National Chung Cheng University)
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  • [書評]印尼殺戮背後可能的國際因素與國內影響,評:Migration in the Time of Revolution: China, Indonesia, and the Cold War與Memories of Unbelonging: Ethnic Chinese Identity Politics in Post-Suharto Indonesia / 林平(國立中正大學政治學系教授)
    [Book Review] International Effectors and Domestic Influences of Indonesia’s Massive Killings, Book Review on Migration in the Time of Revolution: China, Indonesia, and the Cold War and Memories of Unbelonging: Ethnic Chinese Identity Politics in Post-Suh / Ping Lin (Professor, Department of Political Science, National Chung Cheng University, Chaiyi)
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讀者回應 Comments from the Reader
Professor Kar-Yen Leong’s Witness on Southeast Asia: Part 2|專訪淡江大學全球政治經濟學系梁家恩副教授|人權群像第三季第三集|黃于哲
Professor Kar-Yen Leong’s Witness on Southeast Asia: Part 1|專訪淡江大學全球政治經濟學系梁家恩副教授|人權群像第三季第二集|黃于哲
Professor Yu-Jie Chen’s Multifaceted Career: Researcher, Teacher, and Activist|Professor Yu-Jie Chen|人權群像第三季第一集|黃于哲
Professor Seymour’s Reminiscence on Taiwan|James Dulles Seymour|人權群像第二季第七集|黃于哲