作為一個勞工機構的創始人,我在過去的二十多年中研究了台灣企業在中國的勞工情況,並與許多曾在台資工廠工作的工人保持聯繫。通過觀察他們在社交媒體上的發言和直接溝通,我發現,這些曾在台資企業工作的中國工人比其他中國人更傾向於表達對台灣的不滿,尤其是在台獨等問題上。這一發現與群際接觸理論的觀點相悖,該理論認為不同群體之間的互動可以減少歧視。相反,此經驗和一項2019 年的調查研究表明(Dongtao et al, 2022),對中國9個城市的1,729 人進行了調查,結果發現,沒有與台灣人接觸過的大陸人中,有52.6% 支持統一,而在與台灣人接觸過的人中,有67.2% 支持統一。同時,接觸台灣管理層的中國工人普遍對台灣人懷有更強烈的負面情緒。本文將探討一個經常被忽視的因素――中國工人對台灣人態度的影響,如何加劇兩岸關係的緊張?
The Intensification of Anti-Taiwan Sentiment in China Resulting from the Mistreatment of Chinese Workers by Taiwanese Businesses
Author:Qiang Li(Founder and Executive Director of China Labor Watch)
Taiwan is actively striving to expand its international presence, while China is gradually encroaching on Taiwan’s territorial waters. Although both sides have exercised a degree of restraint in their strategic competition, sporadic outbursts of anti-Taiwan sentiment within Chinese civil society may exacerbate cross-strait tensions.
As the founder of a labor organization, I have been researching the labor conditions of Taiwanese enterprises in China for over twenty years. I continue to maintain contact with many workers who have been employed in Taiwanese-owned factories. Through years of direct communication and observing their social media, I have found that these workers tend to be more antagonistic toward issues such as Taiwan independence compared to the average mainland Chinese. Contrary to the assumptions of academic theories like the intergroup contact theory, which suggests that interactions between different groups can reduce prejudice, my experience, along with a 2019 survey, indicates that Chinese individuals who have direct contact with Taiwanese people a re more i nclined to support m ilitary reunification. Furthermore, Chinese workers who have had extensive contact with Taiwanese management tend to harbor even stronger negative sentiments toward Taiwanese people. This article highlights a frequently overlooked factor contributing to cross-strait tensions—the influence of Chinese workers’ attitudes toward Taiwanese people.
Taiwanese company, cross-strait relations, workplace mistreatment